CBD For Migraine

Migraine headaches happen due to neurological issues and it is a lifelong condition that has no cure. Usually, the severe headaches are managed with painkillers or there are other alternative treatments that focus on managing the pain. One such option is CBD pain relief; it can be used in the form of topical, vapors, capsules, edibles, and sublingual consumption. Besides, those who are into alternative medicine are already using cannabidiol to manage migraines. The purpose of this primer is to give a better understanding of how to use topical CBD products for treating migraines; read on to know more.

Important Points To Know About CBD Topical For Migraine Relief

Applying CBD Topical For Migraine relief

CBD creams provide relief from migraines when applied on the forehead, temple, jaw, neck, and shoulders. This is because it soothes the nerves that are associated with migraines. Furthermore, the main reason for CBD’s effectiveness is because it reduces inflammation and relaxes muscles, thereby reducing stress which is the main trigger for migraine.

The Nerves Responsible For Triggering Migraine

The main nerves responsible for triggering migraine headaches are the trigeminal nerve and occipital nerve. The former is spread across your face, the latter is located at the back of the head and neck. Muscle soreness in the back, neck, and shoulder, as well as stress in the body, affects these two nerves triggering migraines. So, applying CBD topical cream in these areas will give relief or helps to prevent migraine headaches as it soothes these nerves.

CGRP And Migraine

Migraine is triggered by the peptide called CGRP released due to oxidative stress and by the trigeminal nerve when it is exposed to inflammation. So, applying CBD topical cream helps to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress by influencing the cannabinoid receptors of the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This helps to soothe the nerve and reduce the severity of migraine headaches. Moreover, CBD has good anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that make it useful in reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.

CBD Topical For Migraine Relief And Prevention

Using CBD topical daily helps to prevent oxidative stress and reduce inflammation to the two primary nerves responsible for triggering migraines. Also, it helps with muscle relaxation and calming down thereby reducing the chances or frequency of migraine headaches. It is always good to apply it to the forehead, temple, jaw, neck, and shoulders for maximum effect.

The Dosage Of CBD Topical For Migraine

There is no standard dosage of CBD topical cream for migraine relief and prevention, it varies from person to person because of the difference in physiology.

These are some of the points that you should bear in mind before using CBD for migraine, as well as its prevention.