CBD Oil For Hair

When the experts themselves gave a nod to CBD, how can normal people not trust it? Ever since CBD was legalized, it has been making headlines. Firstly, it is medicinal due to its therapeutic properties. Secondly, it is a major addition to a girl’s cosmetic collection.

There are many reasons why you should get CBD products for your face and body. Similarly, CBD plays a good role in hair care too. According to sources, this nutrient-rich cannabinoid can tame hair and provide it with much-needed nourishment.

Are you ready to know more about CBD?

What Exactly Is CBD?

Cannabidiol which is commonly known as CBD is a cannabinoid, typically found in hemp- a plant belonging to the infamous cannabis family. All cannabis plants have CBD in them but in very fewer amounts. Unlike its cousins, hemp has CBD in high quantity.

Now let’s see why experts are asking us to add CBD to our hair care regimen.

Why Should You Use CBD?

CBD Oil For Dry Hair

If you have hair that is as dry as the Arabian Deserts and as dull as the rainy sky, you should consider using CBD.

Your hair is made up of proteins that are found in plenty of CBD oil. In detail, CBD is rich in amino acids, the building blocks of proteins- and therefore, can strengthen your hair.

Moreover, CBD has antioxidants like Vitamin A, E, and C which will protect your hair from the free radicals found in the environment.

CBD Oil For Dry Scalp

As mentioned before, CBD has fatty acids that will moisturize your scalp. It also has anti-inflammatory properties helping your scalp reduce dandruff, eczema, itchy and flaky skin.

CBD Oil For Hair Growth

Not everyone is gifted with the genes to grow long, strong hair. Some have to fight for it. If you belong to the former group, CBD is your weapon.

CBD has essential fatty acids like omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 which lock in moisture and seal the hair cuticle. These help the hair grow by stimulating and protecting it.

CBD Oil For Hair Loss

Hair loss haunts both men and women alike. Hence, it can be considered the most critical hair condition.

Applying pure natural CBD oil has been proved to increase blood circulation. CBD stimulates the blood to absorb the nutrients it gives and during the process, decreases harmful toxins and gradually, reduces hair fall.

The solution to your hair problems (CBD oil) comes in two forms- full-spectrum hemp oil and isolate hemp oil. Both of these can be used for improving hair conditions.