The word COPD refers to progressive lung disease types, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Several individuals with it have chronic bronchitis and emphysema. The latter type of progressive lung disease gradually damages air sacs situated in the lungs, thus affecting outward air movement. Bronchitis not only causes inflammation but also makes our bronchial tubes narrower, which makes mucus accumulate.

Approximately 30 million individuals in the US experience COPD, and up to 50% of them do not know that they suffer from it. If untreated, COPD could increase your disease progression speed, aggravate respiratory infections, and cause heart issues. Here, we will discuss CBD for COPD treatment.

CBD As A Treatment Option For COPD

Treatment may reduce COPD symptoms, stop complications, and reduce the pace of the condition’s progression. Your team of healthcare professionals may include respiratory and physical therapists as well as a pulmonologist in the treatment process. Even those professionals might know that cannabidiol for COPD is a potentially effective option. People believe that cannabidiol could open up a person’s bronchial passages, thereby simplifying their breathing process. There exists a reason for them to feel that it is true. Research from more than 40 years ago suggested that the lungs get dilated after smoking cannabis, which simplified breathing for asthma patients.

However, the unknowns outweigh the things we know in this regard. A randomized control trial from 2018 with 18 advanced COPD patients did not suggest that utilizing vaporized THC significantly impacted breathlessness or endurance during exercise due to airway dilation.

A smaller study from 2011 gave participants a placebo, THC oil, or cannabidiol oil to know whether it could treat breathlessness, but it did not seem to. Nevertheless, the chance of participants who used THC alongside CBD to experience severe breathlessness was less in observations that followed the study.

Some experiments with animals are also worth looking at in this regard. In an animal study from 2014, acute lung injury-affected mice experienced less inflammation and better lung function. Nevertheless, it does not necessarily mean that cannabidiol is an efficacious and long-term COPD treatment for human beings. So, to conclude, cannabidiol may be utilized for COPD, but there is no conclusive research about the compound’s effectiveness in treating the issue. So, when planning to use cannabidiol for COPD, talk to a doctor regarding dosage, risks and other related matters.