CBD For Pregnancy Symptoms

The pregnancy period can be extremely uncomfortable because of the wide range of symptoms like pain, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, stress, sleep disorders, etc. Women look for natural remedies to control these symptoms, as other prescription medications and over-the-counter drugs can be harmful to the fetus. CBD, a natural compound extracted from the cannabis plant, is now becoming popular among pregnant women as a cure for the symptoms they experience during pregnancy periods.

However, health experts are concerned about the safety of CBD during pregnancy, as the effects created by this compound on the fetus are not scientifically proven. Therefore, your doctor might not recommend CBD or related products during pregnancy.

But CBD might seem like an appealing option for pregnant women, as this compound helps to relieve a lot of mental and physical health issues that women commonly experience during the time of pregnancy. It can be effective in reducing nausea, vomiting, pains, cramps, etc. that are common pregnancy symptoms. Additionally, this compound is also found to be a natural remedy for stress, anxiety, mood disorders, depression, etc. that pregnant women tend to experience.

Is CBD Safe During Pregnancy?

There is no conclusive evidence to suggest that CBD is safe for pregnant women and fetuses. This compound is not shown to create adverse effects too. Researchers are still looking at the safety of this compound for the fetus.

Many pregnant women are using CBD because of its natural ability to control different health issues caused by pregnancy. But when using CBD for pregnancy symptoms, it is important to get products that are free of THC.

THC, the psychoactive cannabinoid in the cannabis plant, is found to elicit some adverse effects on the fetus. This compound can affect the growth of the fetus and can create mental and physical abnormalities.

A study conducted on mice shows that THC stopped the growth of the fetus. Hence, it is extremely unsafe for you to use this compound during pregnancy periods. Even small amounts of this compound can adversely affect the fetus. Therefore, if you are planning to use CBD for nausea and other pregnancy symptoms, it is vital to make sure that the products you get are free of THC.

Even though your CBD products do not contain THC, there is still no guarantee that they can be safe for pregnant women and fetuses. Therefore, we do not recommend the use of any CBD products during the periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding, as there is a possibility for them to result in adverse effects.