Can You Use CBD If You Have Asthma?

CBD For Asthma
CBD For Asthma
CBD For Asthma
CBD For Asthma

Asthma is an inflammatory disease affecting the airways of our lungs. Breathing becomes difficult, and some daily physical activities become challenging, if not impossible. In the United States, asthma is the most common chronic illness among children, affecting one in every 12 children.

The lining of your airways gets inflamed, and the muscles surrounding them become tight, causing asthma symptoms. This then leads to the fill-up of mucus in the airways and it makes the passing of air extremely hard. Asthma is characterized by wheezing, which is by far the most common symptom. When you take a breath, you might hear a shrieking or whistling sound, which is one of the main asthma symptoms. Other common symptoms of asthma include coughing, chest pain, fatigue, and so on.

CBD is becoming increasingly popular as a treatment for a wide range of ailments. You might be beginning to wonder if this form of cannabinoid can aid in the management of your asthma symptoms.

CBD For Asthma

Due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of CBD, the cannabinoid compound is becoming increasingly popular. It may also have more neuroprotective properties than vitamins C and E, according to some recent studies.CBD oil also helps your lungs to become less sensitive to the triggers of asthma by reducing hyperresponsiveness in your airways. As a result, flare-ups and symptoms like coughing will be reduced.

As per a study conducted in 2019, CBD lowered inflammation levels in the airways and hyperresponsiveness in mice suffering from allergic asthma. More human research is necessary, however, to see whether CBD oil could indeed assist with asthma caused by allergies.

Best Ways To Use CBD For Asthma Treatment

Orally, CBD oil is consumed by placing the approved number of drops under your tongue and swallowing them. Although scientists have used CBD mists in animal experiments, smoking or vaping CBD oil is not recommended in humans due to the risk of irritation to the air passages.

Due to a lack of human studies on the effect of CBD oil on asthma, proper CBD dosages for asthma treatment are not yet identified. Up to this point, studies have shown that consuming up to 1,500 mg of CBD daily is safe for human use. If your doctor suggests that you add CBD oil to your asthma treatment plan, they can advise you on the proper dosage.