Pure CBD Oil

Cannabidiol, discovered in 1940, is one of the components in cannabis plants. It is one of the most contentious natural extracts on the planet, having been used in medical applications for centuries. Pure CBD oil comes with a vast number of benefits. In this article, you are going to get a glimpse of the benefits and drawbacks of pure CBD oil.

Why Is It Called Pure CBD Oil?

The CBD that is extracted from the hemp plant is subjected to one more process before it is transformed into CBD oil. This process involves the mixing of CBD with carrier oils, such as coconut oil. After this process, the resulting substance is called CBD oil. CBD oil is free of one of the most controversial substances present in the hemp plant, called THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). This is a component that has psychoactive effects and is viewed by many experts as a component with potential risks rather than benefits. Although knowledge about THC is prevalent everywhere in the world, there are some people who use full-spectrum hemp oil for the treatment of their health conditions. Now you may have got the answer to the question “Why is it called pure CBD oil?”

How Does CBD Oil Function?

Our body, which is a combination of different organs and systems, has one system called the endocannabinoid system, which many of you may not be familiar with. This system plays a major role in managing pain, metabolism, and many other functions. Various studies with CBD oil have shown the fact that CBD possesses an ability to interact with this system, thereby resulting in many positive impacts such as improved sleep and the ability to deal with stress and anxiety. Even though many studies have been conducted in this area, many more are yet to be performed in order to provide concrete proof of this property of CBD.

CBD Side Effects

Many CBD oil users are reported to have faced side effects such as diarrhea, dry mouth, and drowsiness. This is not the case with all users. Many physicians are of the view that patients who suffer from lifestyle diseases such as high cholesterol, diabetes, etc. are more susceptible to these side effects. However, it is advisable to visit a physician if your condition has not improved for more than two days. The majority of healthcare professionals are of the view that natural extracts cause fewer side effects than modern medications.